Animistic museum in Mlomp

Collection: Secrets of the Casamance (Senegal)

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Jules teaches physical education at Ziguinchor and was born in Mlomp. With no governmental help, just his effort, one or two foreigners sensitive to the issue and some neighbours he got to found the Diola Casa culture and animist Impluvium Museum of Mlomp. There we can find pieces given or lent by neighbours: fetishes, lances, turtle shell and hippopotamus skin shields, vessels… All fitted in a building that recreates the traditional housing of Diola Casa: an impluvium. A circular structure with a roof made of straw and a hole in the middle, like a volcano. A hole in the crater area lets the light in, the smoke out and allows collecting water rain in its interior. No other windows in the walls. Fortress and shelter, in old impluvium lived whole families with their herds.

Photograph of the interior of the Diola Casa culture and animist Impluvium Museum of Mlomp
If you want to contract me as a guide you can contact me by email at or by Tel. of Senegal 00221 774484423